Explore Canada by train

Do trains remind you of loud people from different parts of the country; kids bawling their eyes out and space constraint? Change your perspective and explore the length and breadth of Canada by taking trains!

Sights of Canada while travelling in a train

Take the Canadian from Toronto to Vancouver, which happens to be one of the most renowned long-distance train journeys in the world. The sights are sure to leave you breathless and at the same time light on your pocket depending on the class that you choose to travel by!

Explore the beauty of the Canadian Rocky Mountains by taking a train from Vancouver to Calgary! When one doesn’t have the time to explore the whole of the Rocky mountains, this is the best alternative. Especially, a day journey to see the majestic mountains rise…

Park train, Canada PC: The Fabuloustimes.com

In fact, there are trains that take to any part of Canada, sometime through places that are stunning but with no access to through roads. This train ride is a must if you like unending journeys and making friends on the road!