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Antarctica - To the End of the Earth

  • Twin Window Porthole

  • Buenos Aires & Ushuaia

  • Antarctic Peninsula

  • Antarctic Wildlife

  • Tango Show in Buenos Aires

  • Scientists and Naturalists


Desperate to exit the city to a dream-like scape that is once-in-a-lifetime experience? Tap the explorer in you as you make your way to Antarctica. This is a journey like none other, far from the madding crowds as you travel to a scenic wonder that is truly the last tract of uninhabited land on earth. January is known for whale spotting as all migrating pods have now made it down to Antarctica's rich waters. Embark on the Oceanwide Antarctica cruise which is not just any luxury ship but a well equipped polar vessel that ensures you can reach extreme corners of the Antarctica Continent where the bigger ship struggles to and experience the outermost edge of human exploration. Our expedition- M/V ORTELIUS will take you through an expedition through some of Antarctica’s most wildlife- rich waters. “What an adventure it was! Steeped in the legacy of the Polar exploration pioneers and rich in the wildness of a place far removed from the ravages of humans. It’s the last truly wild and, mostly, pristine continent, untouched by mankind and once I have let it into my heart, it will undoubtedly summon me back again and again.” - Sumitra Senapaty (Founder of WOW Club).



13 days, 12 nights



(Twin share)

WOW Buddy


-2 to -20°C

Partly cloudy and cold

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The Plan

  • Day 1 Arrive in Buenos Aires
  • Day 2 In and Around Buenos Aires
  • Day 3 Antarctica- Here We Come!
  • Day 4 Path of the Polar Explorers
  • Day 5 Path of the Polar Explorers
  • Day 6 Enter the Antarctic
  • Day 7 About The Ship- M/V ORTELIUS
  • Day 8 At the White Continent
  • Day 9 At the White Continent
  • Day 10 Scenes of South Shetland
  • Day 11 Familiar Seas, Familiar Friend
  • Day 12 Familiar Seas, Familiar Friend
  • Day 13 There and Back Again
  • Day 1

    Arrive in Buenos Aires

    Before you escape to the rugged, raw beauty of the Antarctic, enjoy the sin of gluttony and mirth in one of Argentina’s finest cities- Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires is picture perfect; its colorful streets and homes look like an artist dipped his brush dipped into bright hues and painted a brilliant story. The architecture draws on French influences and colonial homes dot pretty streets that light up in a mad, carnival-esque fashion once the sun dips. Transfer from the international airport to the hotel. Rest and relax to beat the jet lag after flying across the globe. Later, proceed for Welcome dinner. Overnight stay in Buenos Aires.

    Hotel Grand Brizo or similar (4*)
  • Day 2

    In and Around Buenos Aires

    The day is dedicated to Buenos Aires - visit La Recoleta Cemetery, Palermo, Teatro Colon, Plaza de Mayo, Puerto Madero, San Telmo and La Boca. If you think of cemeteries as depressingly dark, underground affairs, Buenos Aires’ Recoleta Cemetery will turn that on its head – not least because most of the graves are built above ground. Get a feel of South America unplugged as you walk through La Boca, with its bright-as-bulbs colored homes, and gorgeous open bars. Enjoy the Tango show followed by dinner. Overnight stay in Buenos Aires.

    Hotel Grand Brizo or similar (4*)
  • Day 3

    Antarctica- Here We Come!

    Early morning travel from the hotel in Buenos Aires to the domestic airport from where you fly to Ushuaia to begin the expedition (Flight Not Included). Later the same day, get ready to board your Expedition. Your voyage begins where the world drops off: Ushuaia, Argentina, reputed to be the southernmost city on the planet. Starting in the afternoon with immense excitement, you embark from this small resort town on Tierra del Fuego – nicknamed “The End of the World”– and sail the scenic, mountain-fringed Beagle Channel for the rest of the evening.

  • Day 4

    Path of the Polar Explorers

    Over the next two days on the Drake Passage, you enjoy some of the same experiences encountered by the great polar explorers who first charted these regions: cool salt breezes, rolling seas, maybe even a fin whale spouting up sea spray. After passing the Antarctic Convergence – Antarctica’s natural boundary, formed when north-flowing cold waters collide with warmer sub-Antarctic seas – you are in the circum-Antarctic upwelling zone. Not only does the marine life change, the avian life changes too. Wandering albatrosses, grey-headed albatrosses, black-browed albatrosses, light-mantled sooty albatrosses, cape pigeons, southern fulmars, Wilson’s storm petrels, blue petrels, and Antarctic petrels are a few of the birds you might see.

  • Day 5

    Path of the Polar Explorers

    The first sightings of icebergs and snow-capped mountains indicate that we have reached the South Shetland Islands, a group of twenty islands and islets. With favorable conditions in the Drake Passage our lecturers and naturalists will accompany you ashore as you experience your first encounter with the penguins and seals.

  • Day 6

    Enter the Antarctic

    The South Shetland Islands are a haven for wildlife. Vast penguin rookeries, beaches ruled by Antarctic fur seals and Southern elephant seals make every day spent in this amazing island group unforgettable. Sailing through the narrow passage into the flooded caldera of Deception Island is breathtaking. 

  • Day 7

    About The Ship- M/V ORTELIUS

    The ice-strengthened vessel “Ortelius” is an excellent vessel for Polar expedition cruises in the Arctic and Antarctica, providing us with Possibilities to adventure in remote locations such as the Ross Sea and Franz Josef Land. ”Ortelius” offers a comfortable hotel standard, with two restaurants, a bar/lecture room. Our voyages are primarily developed to offer our passengers a quality exploratory wildlife program, trying to spend as much time ashore as possible. As the number of passengers is limited to approximately 108 on the “Ortelius”, flexibility assures maximum wildlife opportunities.

  • Day 8

    At the White Continent

    King George Island, the largest of the South Shetland Islands, features colonies of nesting Adélie and Chinstrap Penguins, Kelp Gulls, Blue-eyed Cormorants, Antarctic Terns and Southern Giant Petrels and is home to scientific bases of many different countries.

  • Day 9

    At the White Continent

    The Antarctic Peninsula’s remarkable history will provide you with a type of excitement often only associated with the early explorers. You will be experiencing a sight which is even difficult to imagine. Apart from penguins and seabirds you are very likely to see Weddell, crabeater and leopard seals as well as Minke, killer (orca) and humpback whales at close range.

  • Day 10

    Scenes of South Shetland

    The volcanic islands of the South Shetlands are windswept and often cloaked in mist, but they do offer subtle pleasures: There’s a wide variety of flora (mosses, lichens, flowering grasses) and no small amount of fauna (gentoo penguins, chinstrap penguins, southern giant petrels). As an alternative, you may be able to engage in activities near Half Moon Island. Here chinstrap penguins and Weddell seals often haul out onto the beach near Cámara Base, an Argentine scientific research station. Conditions on the Drake Passage determine the exact time of departure.

  • Day 11

    Familiar Seas, Familiar Friend

    The volcanic islands of the South Shetlands are windswept and often cloaked in mist, but they do offer subtle pleasures: There’s a wide variety of flora & fauna (gentoo penguins, chinstrap penguins, southern giant petrels). In Deception Island, the ship plunges through Neptune’s Bellows and into the flooded caldera. Here you find hot springs, an abandoned whaling station, and thousands of cape petrels – along with kelp gulls, brown and south polar skuas, and Antarctic terns. A good hike is a possibility in this fascinating and desolate volcanic landscape.

  • Day 12

    Familiar Seas, Familiar Friend

    Your return voyage is far from lonely. While crossing the Drake, you’re again greeted by the vast array of seabirds remembered from the passage south. But they seem a little more familiar to you now, and you to them.

  • Day 13

    There and Back Again

    Every adventure eventually comes to an end. We arrive at the port of Ushuaia early in the morning and disembark the USHUAIA after breakfast. Transfer to the Ushuaia Airport to board the flight back home.

  • "

    My dream experience of a holiday on the Caribbean Cruise came true with #WOWClub!
    It was one of the best holidays of my life, right from the day we started for this trip till the last day when we departed. Was extremely happy and content with the way the whole trip was organised, coordinated with the cruise and executed by the charming WOW buddy Vithika.
    Being on Harmony of Seas was always on my wish list but never thought would ever be able to tick it off until it finally happened.



    Chef & Culinary Entrepreneur

  • "

    The recent trip to Norway with WOW has been an extremely enriching experience. The entire trip was thought through and extremely well planned and executed.
    We started with a day in Oslo on a quick city tour. The Vigeland Park was the highlight of this tour - a sculpture museum of over 200 installations in bronze, cast iron and granite.
    The following day was an exciting train ride to Flåm on the famed Flåm railway. The spectacular vistas through mighty snow covered mountains was breathtaking. Upon reaching Flåm we drove up to Stegastein viewpoint where we were literally blown away in blizzard like conditions. There were plenty of selfie and wefie moments in the snowing wilderness.
    The following day was a cruise around the fjords leaving us completely in awe of nature and its varied forms.
    The following day was another
    train ride to Bergen and on reaching there, a trudge through calf high snow in the rail station dragging our bags to the waiting bus. Quite an experience !!!
    We boarded our onward flight to Tromso fingers and toes crossed as we would soon be chasing the Northern lights - the sole reason that each of us on the tour were ready to battle the Arctic winter!!
    Whilst we were on the flight high above the clouds, I started to notice some colours in the evening sky, and as the sky started to darken the Gods appeared in all their glory for us to see them up close from the air craft. All of us were super excited and once in the hotel couldn’t wait to board the bus to start our chase. That night, after a two hour bus ride outside of Tromso (to get away from any kind of light pollution) we stopped at a certain point to get off the bus and lo behold the lights appeared and performed for us for an hour and a half!! It was bitterly cold, pitch dark and no time to set up the camera - but the phone app worked and we got some amazing shots of the famed Northern lights.
    Each one of us were exhausted that night due to sheer excitement and went to bed with the celestial show in our minds eye.

    To do it not to do - husky sledding in Tromso. Big ethical dilemma -was undecided until just before I left india.
    And was I glad I finally did it!! To put to rest the fears, apprehensions of dog /animal lovers - the huskies require tremendous exercise and pulling sledges is what they enjoy most. They were clamouring to get going.
    The sledge ride through the magical Arctic winter wilderness - just blankets of snow and brown branches of endless rows of trees and a caravan of husky sledges - fairyland indeed!
    The dogs range in ages between 2 to 15 years!! They run 10kms and are happiest doing that. On checking we were told that each team of six dogs do two such trips every day with a two hour rest period in between. They love being petted and are adorably affectionate. The slightly shy ones look away, wanting to be just left alone. Truly a once in a several lifetime experience.

    The next and final stop was the Lofoten islands.
    The Archipelago of Lofoten is one of those places that is so beautiful that I could get into an argument with Nature on how unfair she has been.
    Check this out for yourself - and honestly, my pictures do scant justice to the breathtaking beauty of the place and the hospitality of the locals.
    The islands are spread across the north western coast of Norway and there’s a fishy fragrance in the air as fishing is a big industry here. Drying fish begins early in February so that they dry naturally and turn out to be the best quality.
    The small islands are connected by tunnels - some which are undersea road tunnels going several meters below!! The berries come out a bit later. It’s just like wonderland here, snow notwithstanding.
    Though within the Arctic Circle, the archipelago experiences one of the world's largest elevated temperature anomalies relative to its high latitude!!! 😛😃
    After one final evening at Oslo, we bid goodbye to the stunning sights of Norway and headed homewards you our respective cities in India.
    Thank you Vithika for being the best ever WOW buddy ever. Your cheerful disposition, your proactive attitude and ‘being on top of all situations’ was truly appreciated. You were an epitome of grace and professionalism.
    This WOW journey was superbly WOW indeed!!! Thank you.


    Radhika Shastry


  • "

    I never imagined I was one day going to embark on an expedition to the Antarctic Peninsula! But it’s like a dream coming true. I had to work hard to achieve this feat. I had to experience and face the perilous Drake Passage, the wildest sea in the world! Just cannot forget sailing through the stormy waters!



    Managing Director

  • The WOW Expedition to Antarctica
  • Getting clicked with the Wanderers- Not only will your photographs remind you of your travels, they will also remind you of the special connection you made
  • Antarctica
  • Antarctica
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Fare Breakup

Journey Date

Total Trip Price: ₹13,30,000
Pay By Installments Fare
Deposit ₹9,70,000
01 December 2024 Installment 1 ₹3,60,000

Early Bird Offers

Got an Early Bird ticket? Great, but do remember that we can offer this discount only as long as you make the installment payments on time *


Changed your mind?

Get a full refund with only a Rs 1000 deduction if you change your within 48hrs of booking *

Pinkedge Points

Each completed trip gets you points that you can redeem against events, merchandize and of course, more trips!


  • Accommodation on Twin/ Single Porthole in the Expedition Ship
  • English speaking guide in Buenos Aires and Ushuaia
  • Welcome Dinner with Tango Dance Show
  • City Tour in Buenos Aires and Ushuaia
  • All Meals on the Expedition Ship
  • Guides/ naturalists on the Expedition ship
  • Airport transfers (Group only)
  • Argentina Visa assistance ( You may be called for personal interview)
  • 20% GST & TCS
  • Travel Insurance (up to 69 years of age) & Cruise Insurance
  • Tips and Gratuities


  • International & Internal Airfare
  • Expedition clothing and gears
  • Individual Airport transfers
  • Any other services not mentioned in the inclusions or in the itinerary
  • Any expenses caused by reasons beyond our control such as road blocks, accidents & any medical evacuations. Any flight delays or re-scheduling etc.
  • Expense of personal nature like personal tipping, laundry, telephone / fax calls, alcoholic beverages, camera/video camera fee at monuments, medical expenses, airport departure tax etc.
  • The customary gratuity at the end of the voyages for stewards and other service personnel aboard (guidelines will be provided)


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Hello there! If you come on this trip, we're going to have a lot of fun together. Ask any queries you may have and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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  • What does twin share price mean?

    Twin share price is the price mentioned against a package and it refers to the cost per head for a double sharing accommodation. If you'd like to upgrade to Single Occupancy, please select this at the time of checkout
  • Regarding the hotels, what does OR SIMILAR refer to?

    OR SIMILAR means that the hotel booked might be different from the hotel mentioned in the itinerary. 90% of the time we book the hotel that’s mentioned, but under few situations it might differ due to on-the-ground factors. So we pick an alternate hotel, but always in the same class and area of the city.
  • Why don't you include flights in the Package cost?

    Since our wanderers are located a variety of locations in India and outside India - it is impossible to include flights in the trip cost.

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    Offbeat Trails of Kaziranga & Meghalaya


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    Northern Lights in Norway


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