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North Pole Expedition

  • Cruising

  • Svalbard

  • Twin Porthole Cabins

  • Glaciers & Icebergs

  • Polar Bear

M/V Ortelius Ship

Desperate to exit the city to a dream-like scape that is once-in-a-lifetime experience? Tap the explorer in you as you make your way to North Pole. The east shores of Spitsbergen are a fantastic place to view gorgeously rugged landscapes and exotic Arctic wildlife, including minke whales, Arctic foxes, and polar bears. And speaking of bears, this exploratory cruise also visits Bear Island – a bird lover’s dream, where large colonies of Brünnich’s guillemots, kittiwakes, and fulmars breed on shoreline cliffs over spans of dazzling drift ice. Embark on the Oceanwide cruise which is not just any luxury ship but a well equipped polar vessel that ensures you can reach extreme corners of the North Pole. Our expedition- M/V Ortelius will take you through a lifetime expedition. The ice-strengthened Ortelius is thoroughly outfitted for polar exploration


The Plan

  • Day 1 Arrive in Longyearbyen
  • Day 2 All about Fjord
  • Day 3 Bear Island
  • Day 4 Hopen Island
  • Day 5 Kittiwakes & South Edgeøya
  • Day 6 Pomor trappers at Russe
  • Day 7 South Spitsbergen
  • Day 8 Bell Sund’s flora and fauna
  • Day 9 There and Back Again
  • Day 1

    Arrive in Longyearbyen

    Touch down in Longyearbyen, the administrative center of Spitsbergen, the largest island of the Svalbard archipelago. Enjoy strolling around this former mining town, whose parish church and Svalbard Museum make for fascinating attractions. Though the countryside appears stark, more than a hundred species of plant have been recorded in it. In the early evening, the ship sails out of Isfjorden, where we might spot the first minke whale of the voyage.

    M/V Ortelius Ship
  • Day 2

    All about Fjord

    We start the day by quietly cruising the side fjords of the spectacular Hornsund area in southern Spitsbergen, enjoying the scenery of towering mountain peaks. The mountain of Hornsundtind rises to 1,431 meters (4,695 feet), while the peak of Bautaen testifies to why early Dutch explorers gave this island the name Spitsbergen, meaning “pointed mountains.” There are 14 magnificent glaciers in the area, and we have a fair chance of encountering seals and polar bears. The nearby cliffs of Sofiakammen are also home to thousands of pairs of nesting kittiwakes and little auks, and in the evening, we might see thousands of harp seals rutting on ice floes at Sørkapp.

    M/V Ortelius Ship
  • Day 3

    Bear Island

    We arrive at the southeastern end of Bear Island, a great place for viewing large seabird colonies. The nearby nesting cliffs are part of an extensive nature reserve where large ships are not allowed to bring passengers on shore. Afterward we’ll sail northeast into Sorhamna, where we can get closer to the seabird cliffs. Chiefly Brünnichs guillemots, kittiwakes, and fulmars nest here. Just north of this, in Kvalrossbukta, we will land and see the remains of a whaling station from early in the previous century. We might also make a landing in a shallow valley, such as Rendalen, and look for (at a safe distance) great skuas, large seabirds known to be fiercely territorial. As we continue north along the east side of Bear Island, we may still encounter dazzling shoals of drift ice.

    M/V Ortelius Ship
  • Day 4

    Hopen Island

    On the way to Hopen, we may encounter sea ice with rutting harp seals. We land at the southern end of Hopen Island, at Koefoetodden, where you can see the remains of 17th-century whaling sites. Through nearby Bekkeskaret is an easy route to Kvasstoppen (190 meters, 620 feet) and the remains of a plane from World War II. Hopen Radio station is the most remote manned weather station in all of Svalbard.

    M/V Ortelius Ship
  • Day 5

    Kittiwakes & South Edgeøya

    Sailing along the western side of the Tusenöyane (where we’re not allowed to land in summer), you may see polar bears and walruses as we approach Risetreppen. This beautiful canyon features an accessible kittiwake colony. During our walk, we may encounter reindeer on the lush tundra.

    M/V Ortelius Ship
  • Day 6

    Pomor trappers at Russe

    At Ardalstangen, we go on shore in an area with lakes and different species of waterfowl. Nearby in Habenichtbukta, we can look from some distance to a wintering site of 18th-century Pomor trappers, who often stayed for years in the same place. Later in the afternoon, we land at the south side of Russebukta, near a tundra with reindeer and great walking opportunities.

    M/V Ortelius Ship
  • Day 7

    South Spitsbergen

    Today we aim to land at the mountain of Stellingfjellet, near the largest colony of Brünnich’s guillemots in Spitsbergen. Later in the day, we will make landings at the rarely visited coast of south Spitsbergen, at the bay of Isbukta.

    M/V Ortelius Ship
  • Day 8

    Bell Sund’s flora and fauna

    We continue our voyage in Bell Sund, one of the largest fjord systems in Svalbard. The ocean currents make this area slightly warmer than other areas in the archipelago, which shows in the relatively lush vegetation. Here there are excellent opportunities to enjoy both history and wildlife. One possibility is Ahlstrandhalvøya, at the mouth of Van Keulenfjorden, where piles of beluga skeletons can be found. These remains of 19th-century whale slaughter are a haunting reminder of the consequences of rampant exploitation. Fortunately, belugas were not hunted into extinction, and you might even see one here. Alternately, we may land at Millarodden at north side of Bell Sund. Here we can see a walrus haul-out site and possibly make an excursion on the tundra of Ingeborgfjellet, with its thousands of little auks.

    M/V Ortelius Ship
  • Day 9

    There and Back Again

    Every adventure eventually comes to an end. Today you disembark in Longyearbyen, taking away memories that will accompany you wherever your next journey lies.

    M/V Ortelius Ship
  • "

    My dream experience of a holiday on the Caribbean Cruise came true with #WOWClub!
    It was one of the best holidays of my life, right from the day we started for this trip till the last day when we departed. Was extremely happy and content with the way the whole trip was organised, coordinated with the cruise and executed by the charming WOW buddy Vithika.
    Being on Harmony of Seas was always on my wish list but never thought would ever be able to tick it off until it finally happened.



    Chef & Culinary Entrepreneur

  • "

    The recent trip to Norway with WOW has been an extremely enriching experience. The entire trip was thought through and extremely well planned and executed.
    We started with a day in Oslo on a quick city tour. The Vigeland Park was the highlight of this tour - a sculpture museum of over 200 installations in bronze, cast iron and granite.
    The following day was an exciting train ride to Flåm on the famed Flåm railway. The spectacular vistas through mighty snow covered mountains was breathtaking. Upon reaching Flåm we drove up to Stegastein viewpoint where we were literally blown away in blizzard like conditions. There were plenty of selfie and wefie moments in the snowing wilderness.
    The following day was a cruise around the fjords leaving us completely in awe of nature and its varied forms.
    The following day was another
    train ride to Bergen and on reaching there, a trudge through calf high snow in the rail station dragging our bags to the waiting bus. Quite an experience !!!
    We boarded our onward flight to Tromso fingers and toes crossed as we would soon be chasing the Northern lights - the sole reason that each of us on the tour were ready to battle the Arctic winter!!
    Whilst we were on the flight high above the clouds, I started to notice some colours in the evening sky, and as the sky started to darken the Gods appeared in all their glory for us to see them up close from the air craft. All of us were super excited and once in the hotel couldn’t wait to board the bus to start our chase. That night, after a two hour bus ride outside of Tromso (to get away from any kind of light pollution) we stopped at a certain point to get off the bus and lo behold the lights appeared and performed for us for an hour and a half!! It was bitterly cold, pitch dark and no time to set up the camera - but the phone app worked and we got some amazing shots of the famed Northern lights.
    Each one of us were exhausted that night due to sheer excitement and went to bed with the celestial show in our minds eye.

    To do it not to do - husky sledding in Tromso. Big ethical dilemma -was undecided until just before I left india.
    And was I glad I finally did it!! To put to rest the fears, apprehensions of dog /animal lovers - the huskies require tremendous exercise and pulling sledges is what they enjoy most. They were clamouring to get going.
    The sledge ride through the magical Arctic winter wilderness - just blankets of snow and brown branches of endless rows of trees and a caravan of husky sledges - fairyland indeed!
    The dogs range in ages between 2 to 15 years!! They run 10kms and are happiest doing that. On checking we were told that each team of six dogs do two such trips every day with a two hour rest period in between. They love being petted and are adorably affectionate. The slightly shy ones look away, wanting to be just left alone. Truly a once in a several lifetime experience.

    The next and final stop was the Lofoten islands.
    The Archipelago of Lofoten is one of those places that is so beautiful that I could get into an argument with Nature on how unfair she has been.
    Check this out for yourself - and honestly, my pictures do scant justice to the breathtaking beauty of the place and the hospitality of the locals.
    The islands are spread across the north western coast of Norway and there’s a fishy fragrance in the air as fishing is a big industry here. Drying fish begins early in February so that they dry naturally and turn out to be the best quality.
    The small islands are connected by tunnels - some which are undersea road tunnels going several meters below!! The berries come out a bit later. It’s just like wonderland here, snow notwithstanding.
    Though within the Arctic Circle, the archipelago experiences one of the world's largest elevated temperature anomalies relative to its high latitude!!! 😛😃
    After one final evening at Oslo, we bid goodbye to the stunning sights of Norway and headed homewards you our respective cities in India.
    Thank you Vithika for being the best ever WOW buddy ever. Your cheerful disposition, your proactive attitude and ‘being on top of all situations’ was truly appreciated. You were an epitome of grace and professionalism.
    This WOW journey was superbly WOW indeed!!! Thank you.


    Radhika Shastry


  • "

    I never imagined I was one day going to embark on an expedition to the Antarctic Peninsula! But it’s like a dream coming true. I had to work hard to achieve this feat. I had to experience and face the perilous Drake Passage, the wildest sea in the world! Just cannot forget sailing through the stormy waters!



    Managing Director

  • "

    Priceless ...
    My lastest tour in Feb 2020 to Norway with WOW.....
    I have gone for some really really amazing tours with WOW during the past one year .... but THIS ONE by far was the MOST heart satisfying tour. I still see the images of God’s MOST BEAUTIFUL show that we saw of the Aurora Borealis in Tromso.

    Thinking back, Norway northern lights was the very first choice of tour I wanted to do with WOW. However on doing a research on the tour I had discovered that one had to be really prepared to do a northern lights tour. And me, in 2019 Feb was not totally prepared for it. So I did several other tours during the year which were fabulous too and then finally in February 2020 I did the best tour of my life ... (until now).

    Obviously the Northern lights ... THE AURORA BOREALIS being the highlight of the tour ... we were the MOST LUCKY lot of ladies. Am sure most of us had read and studied about the northern lights before we left and so on our flight from Oslo to Tromso ... I see a grey thick straight line cloud in the sky from the window of my small aircraft.... and I quickly open my Northern Lights camera App on the iPhone and click a pic of the ray of grey light which looked like a cloud with naked eyes and I SEE the Aurora Borealis soo clear. We all 20 ladies of WOW group in the aircraft went beserk coz this was the first sight of the most awesome thing we saw.

    After an entire day of travel from hotel to Oslo airport to Tromso and to hotel etc ... still we were all very excited for our first short safari of 3 hours of the Northern light that night and guess what we could have experienced!!!!

    We drove for about an hour to reach a spot which was in the middle of nowhere and the guide tell us to get off the bus (it was -4 degrees freezing cold) and we immediately see the entire sky in front of us with rays of green aurora borealis which was visible to our naked eyes. We were all so thrilled and the freezing cold did not matter any more. We clicked many pics on the app and the guide started taking our pics too. In just 30 mins of super excitement we were the most blessed lot who suddenly saw the dancing aurora borealis. It was like MAGIC. The entire sky was filled with the lights from God and Universe and we actually saw the them dancing in the sky. There was so much excitement and screaming and we did not know whether we should be clicking or watching or posing with it lolzz. It was truly magical.... really can’t express in words. We returned back to the hotel with most happy and satisfied hearts and with gratitude that we could experience this. The guide said that he had not seen such amazing lights in last 3 years.

    Apart from the entire tour that was sooo fulfilling and amazing... we had 3 more night safaris of the aurora borealis where we did see little magic every night... however the first night being most special Gift from God types. I will share a few pics to take you right into my experience. We also did the most awesome cruise from Flåm and several sightseeings which were truly amazing including the train journey to Flåm (wooden train compartments) with a picture stop on a station between mountains was like in the movies and Flåm felt like being in a fairy tale. And not to miss the amazing husky ride where we saw 143 husky dogs and we could actually touch and pat them. It was very fulfilling. Honestly I could write a little book on this tour lol. Bottom line ... I am most thankful to one of our best wow buddy Vithika for making everyday a perfect day and ofcourse most grateful to WOW for organising such awesome tours and making people LIVE THEIR DREAMS. Looking forward to many more HEART TRAVELS ♥️


    Havovi Pastakia

    Self Employed

  • Antarctica
  • Getting clicked with the Wanderers- Not only will your photographs remind you of your travels, they will also remind you of the special connection you made
  • Antarctica
  • The WOW Expedition to Antarctica

Bookings Closed


  • Accommodation on Twin/ Single Porthole in the Expedition Ship
  • All meals throughout the voyage aboard the ship including snacks, coffee and tea
  • All shore excursions and activities throughout the voyage by Zodiac
  • Program of lectures by noted naturalists and leadership by experienced expedition staff
  • Use of rubber boots and snowshoes
  • All miscellaneous service taxes and port charges throughout the programme
  • Airport transfers to & fro Svalbard airport (Group only)
  • AECO fees and governmental taxes
  • 5 % GST & TCS
  • Travel Insurance (up to 69 years of age)


  • International & Internal Airfare
  • Visa
  • Airport Transfers
  • Any expenses caused by reasons beyond our control such as roadblocks, accidents & any medical evacuations. Any train delays, or re-scheduling etc
  • Meals and all other services which are not mentioned in the aforementioned itinerary
  • Government arrival and departure taxes
  • Any kind of personal expenses or optional tours, extra meals and beverages ordered, laundry, phone calls and medical expenses
  • Excess baggage charges and all items of a personal nature such as laundry, bar, beverage charges and telecommunication charges.
  • The customary gratuity at the end of the voyages for stewards and other service personnel aboard (guidelines will be provided)


  • What does twin share price mean?

    Twin share price is the price mentioned against a package and it refers to the cost per head for a double sharing accommodation. If you'd like to upgrade to Single Occupancy, please select this at the time of checkout
  • Do you offer a travel protection / insurance plan for purchase? Is it included in the cost?

    Yes, we do offer a travel insurance which is included in the package cost. For travelers above 59 years and above, an additional amount will be charged.
  • Can WOW book the flights for us?

    Definitely! We routinely book and manage flights for our Wanderers. We recommend that travelers get their flights booked through us as this comes in handy when there are issues to do with cancellations or re-routings.
  • How safe is to travel with The WOW Club?

    Your safety is our number one priority. We've designed our itineraries since 2005, keeping this in mind. We always ensure access to emergency contacts throughout the trip.

Journeys on the Horizon

  • Aug '24
  • Sep '24
  • Oct '24
  • Nov '24
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    Wellness @ Vana by Six Senses


    10 August, 2024 5 Nights
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    Ladakh: The Great Escape


    10 August, 2024 7 Nights
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    Mermaids in Mauritius


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    Uzbekistan – The Silk Road Journey


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    Spellbound in Ladakh


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    The Land of Ice & Fire: Iceland


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    Bhutan, The Happy Himalayan Kingdom


    3 September, 2024 6 Nights
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    Spellbound in Ladakh


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    Kazakhstan Will Blow You Away


    7 September, 2024 6 Nights
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    7 September, 2024 5 Nights
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    Best of Europe


    9 September, 2024 9 Nights
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    WOW Wellness @ SwaSwara


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    Bali Bliss


    14 September, 2024 6 Nights
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    Arunachal on Wheels


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    Georgian Rhapsody


    18 September, 2024 7 Nights
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    Ireland - The Emerald Isle


    23 September, 2024 8 Nights
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    Exploring Spain and Portugal


    24 September, 2024 11 Nights
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    100% Pure New Zealand


    24 September, 2024 11 Nights
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    Waka Waka - South Africa


    29 September, 2024 7 Nights
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    Splendid Sri Lanka


    1 October, 2024 7 Nights
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    Treasures of Vietnam & Cambodia


    1 October, 2024 10 Nights
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    It's All Greek To Me!


    1 October, 2024 6 Nights
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    Morocco Mania


    2 October, 2024 10 Nights
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    High on Bali


    2 October, 2024 6 Nights
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    Uzbekistan – The Silk Road Journey


    4 October, 2024 6 Nights
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    There's nothing like Australia!


    5 October, 2024 10 Nights
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    Northern Lights in Norway


    6 October, 2024 7 Nights
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    Bhutan, The Happy Himalayan Kingdom


    7 October, 2024 6 Nights
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    Egypt - Where it All Began


    7 October, 2024 8 Nights
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    Turkish Delight


    7 October, 2024 6 Nights
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    12 October, 2024 5 Nights
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    Azerbaijan- The land of Fire


    12 October, 2024 4 Nights
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    RIFF Music Festival @ Rajasthan


    13 October, 2024 5 Nights
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    Fifty Shades of Blue- Andaman


    10 November, 2024 6 Nights
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    Island Hopping in Thailand


    14 November, 2024 6 Nights
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    Habibi! Let’s go Dubai


    15 November, 2024 5 Nights
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    Treasures of Vietnam & Cambodia


    15 November, 2024 10 Nights
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    Fall Foliage in Japan


    16 November, 2024 8 Nights
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    Only in Madagascar


    17 November, 2024 9 Nights
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    Divine Varanasi & Ayodhya


    18 November, 2024 5 Nights
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    Offbeat Trails of Kaziranga & Meghalaya


    25 November, 2024 6 Nights
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    Amritsar Sojourn


    27 November, 2024 3 Nights
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    Odisha Odyssey


    28 November, 2024 8 Nights
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    Unexplored Andaman


    28 November, 2024 7 Nights
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    Kerala - God's Own Country


    1 December, 2024 7 Nights
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    Timeless in Hampi


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    Hornbill Festival in Nagaland


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    French Touch In Pondicherry


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    Mauritius- Tropical Paradise


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    Best of Vietnam


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    Christmas Markets of Arctic


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    Antarctica - To the End of the Earth


    20 January, 2025 12 Nights
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    All About Chile


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    ‘Saranghae’ South Korea


    24 March, 2025 9 Nights
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    Machu Picchu In Peru


    9 June, 2025 8 Nights
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    Samba In Brazil


    17 June, 2025 11 Nights
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